I know it has been a long time since I last wrote. Sorry about that. I have been meaning to write, but I have been busy. I especially wanted to write you guys and let you know that I was correct about my prediction on what would happen in TNA. Bully Ray won the World Heavyweight Championship, like I said. Also he was discovered to be the leader of the Aces and Eights(their president), again, just as I said. So if you couldn’t tell, I have not been avoiding you guys, I just haven’t had the time. Now my next prediction in for TNA is that at the rematch for the world title, Brooke Hogan will help Bully Ray retain the title, and turn on her dad, Hulk Hogan, and TNA all together. And might I add this has made TNA compelling to watch. It is now somewhat appointment television. So now that I have gotten my chance to gloat out of the way, how about we talk about the thing that we have all been longing forward to since the end of January……..WrestleMania
I don’t know about anyone else, but I feel like this year, there has not been much build up to WrestleMania. I feel like in years past there would have been a lot more guys running in on their opponents’ matches and a lot more confrontation between all participants, especially those in the main event, John Cena, and the Rock. Maybe it is because a lot of the guys are no longer full time workers. Triple H, the Undertaker, The Rock, just a few of the guys that are in big time matches, have missed time during this lead up to mania. But with that said, as usual I am still looking forward to Mania, and I will be giving you guys some predictions. Since this is Mania, there will be more matches than normal, and I will try to fly through some of the undercard matches, cause to be honest with you, I don’t know much about some of these undercards.
Intercontinental Championship Match: Wade Barrett (c) vs. The Miz: This is the pre-show match that has become custom with WWE Pay Per Views. I know that Miz and Barrett have had a bit of a rivalry, but I did not know that they were still fighting. Since this is for the IC title, I am going to speak about it, but to be honest with you (and no offense to guys, who are pretty good guys), the pre-show match wouldn’t get any mention in my blog. Anyway, I think Barrett will win. I don’t see any reason for them to make a IC title change during the pre-show. So I say Barrett retains.
WWE Tag Team Championship Match: Team Hell No (c) vs. Dolph Ziggler, and Big E Langston: I have never seen Big E have a singles match, let alone a tag team match, so I would like to think that Team Hell No would be the favorite to win this match.
World Heavyweight Championship Match: Alberto Del Rio (c) vs. Jack Swagger: This has been a bit of a heated rivalry since Swagger became the #1 contender. Swagger is taking the pro America stance against someone who is not an American. That’s pro wrestling 101. You develop an angle that the people can get behind, and all of us can get behind the good ole USA vs. the world, even though in this case, the American is the heal. I think Del Rio will pull out the victory in this one. Swagger has been somewhat crazed, and has beaten up Del Rio’s ring announcer Ricardo Rodríguez, a guy who is not a wrestler. So I think this will be where he gets his comeuppance.
Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar, No Holds Barred: This is a rematch from last year’s SummerSlam. Only difference is, if Triple H loses, he has to retire. The lead up to this match has been Triple H calling out Lesnar, and Lesnar destroying the old members DX, and this forces Triple H to accept the stipulation of Triple H putting his career on the line. So everything is telling you that Triple H is going to win and save his career. Not so fast my friends. Triple H has wrestled I believe 4 matches since the Extreme Rules ppv in 2010. So he is pretty much retired. Plus what else is there for a guy like Triple H to do, he could put over new guys, I guess, but that is about it, but he is not winning any more titles, so what else is there for him. So I say tonight is the last night we see Triple H, and I don’t like him with short hair.
CM Punk vs. The Undertaker: Punk has done some much for this company since he dropped his now infamous pipe bomb, in June of 2011. He was WWE Champion for over a year. He has been the standard bearer for the company, if not the entire wrestling world. And this is mania, and we all know what the streak means to the Undertaker (if not the entire wrestling world). Taker is 20-0 at mania, and has beaten the best of the best. The list reads as a who’s who of the WWE. Edge, Shawn Michael’s Triple H, Kane, and Randy Orton. Between those men there are 39 world title reigns. This streak means everything to Taker. I have always thought that after the streak got to 20, Taker would finally lose, and then retire. The only thing about that is, I don’t know if he would lose the streak to Punk, and honestly, I don’t know if Punk would take it. I always thought Taker would want to lose it to one of the older more respectable guys, like all of those guys I mentioned earlier. And with Punk being the kind of guy who knows the history of this business, I would think he would not want to end it. But with all of that being said, it’s time for my prediction. I think I am going to go with my 1st mind. I think Punk is going to continue his amazing career renaissance and add defeating the Undertaker’s streak to it.
WWE Championship: The Rock (c) vs. John Cena: This is the match we have all been waiting for. The follow up to their epic match last year, but this is for all the marbles. The WWE title. Cena has not been able to get the best of the Rock since mania 27, when Rock cost Cena the title vs. the Miz. Even on RAW 2 weeks ago Cena tried to give Rock an Attitude Adjustment, but instead he got Rock Bottomed. So what do I think? This is interesting, I have 3 scenarios: 1 Rock retains the belt. These guys have a great match, and there is no interference, nor anything that out of the ordinary. #2 Cena turns heel. This is what we have all been waiting for, John Cena, grabs a chair, and beats the crap out of Rock, because he can’t do it on his own, and he turns his back on all of his fans. Or(and most likely) Cena wins out right, and is still a good guys, and still gets booed.
Wow that was a lot guys. I hope you all enjoy Mania, and let me know what you think about my picks.
P.S. I think Ziggler will cash in Money in the Bank tonight, but on whom?