Hello all
You all know that I started this blog with the mind frame of a fan. I try not to look at any of the websites that have all of the spoilers on them. I enjoy watching wrestling, have since I was a kid, and even though I know the results are staged, I would like to see them happen before my eyes. Besides, a lot of times these websites are wrong. And I don’t want to be one of these jaded wrestling fans, who have nothing but cynical things to say about the business.
That being said, I try to stay informed. When I worked in sports radio, there was a show that we would broadcast once a week that was dedicated to pro wrestling. So once a week, I would hear some of the behind the scenes info, and I subscribe to one of the most (if not the most, and only) credible pro wrestling publications out there. All that to say, I get a little bit of the inside scoop, but not much.
One of the major knocks on WWE lately, has been the fact that they don’t seem to have very many plans for the future. On the radio show, one of the hosts would always talk about how back in the early days of Wrestlemania, the main event was planned out for over a year. This would give them a whole year to build the competitors up, and to make the main event the biggest main event of the year. But according to the radio show, lately they have not been setting up the main events that far out. And I can say some of them have seemed a little thrown together. So imagine my surprise when I saw that John Cena had won the Royal Rumble (my picks were horrible for the Rumble by the way, but we won’t talk about that). So could it be that WWE has gone back to their old days, and have planned out the main event at Wrestlemania?
Let’s consider the facts: John Cena won the Rumble. Everyone knows that the Rumble winner gets to main event (supposedly) Mania. We all know that Cena has been one of the guys who have been in the main event at mania more than we can remember. We know that he can deliver on the grand stage, and because of the yearlong buildup of him and the Rock at last year’s mania, we know Cena is great for business. The one thing we can say about WWE and wrestling in general, it is all about money. Who can have the biggest box office, who can have the biggest pay per view buys, and who can sell the most merchandise. John Cena seems like a no brainer choice for the main event for mania. Obviously, he won Rumble.
The other thing we need to consider is who will have the WWE Championship at the time. At present time The Rock is the Champion, having defeated CM Punk at the Rumble. The two will have a rematch at the Elimination Chamber PPV. Punk, as you know if you have watching wrestling for the past year, had been in possession of the title for more than a year. He has brought a lot of prestige to the title by holding it longer than anyone else in the modern era (I think I may do a blog about the title reigns in the modern era). What do both men have in common? They have had some amazing matches with Cena over this past year, Rock at mania, which set records for PPV buys, and Punk at, well you name the PPV, and they have probably been in the main event. So it doesn’t really matter who they put in there with Cena, it will be the biggest show of the year.
There are a lot of jaded fans out there, that love to complain about WWE (and TNA for that matter), but will watch it just to make fun, or talk bad about it. I don’t get it. I think we should all be very happy. If this was their plan all along (and I am going to hope it was), they set this up perfectly. I did not see this coming. Who would have thought that was would see the Rock vs. Cena again, but this time it is for all of the marbles, the biggest prize in all of wrestling, the WWE title. Or could you imagine that CM Punk regains the title, and he drops a few “pipe bombs”, and we have this wonderful build up to the main event. And the pay off? Another classic, like their match at Money in the Bank 2011. So we are all in for a treat, and hopefully this is the beginning of things to come. A renaissance of sorts. WWE going back to the days of them writing wonderful stories, and giving us great build to the fantastic matches that we got used to from the early days of Wrestlemania.