Sunday, July 3, 2011

So is he.........or is he not?


I was all ready to do a blog on real Americans in pro wrestling. Hulk Hogan and Kurt Angle of course were going to be the two men I highlighted, and maybe sprinkle in a little Lex Luger of 1993, when he was going on his all-american tour. But something caught my attention the other night, and I wanted to discuss it.

If you watched RAW this past week, at the end of the show you saw C.M. Punk have a little time on the microphone, right before the show went off of the air. Punk called out everyone he could before they cut his mic. He called out Vince McMahon, Stephanie, and Triple H; he even called out the participants in next year’s Wrestlemania, John Cena and The Rock.

I thought this was all a part of the script. Until I was online a few days ago, and saw that CM Punk was suspended. I thought to myself, “wow that was real? What guts it takes to call out your employer.” Even if you are about to leave the company, you never want to burn a bridge.

I was thinking that these days there are a lot of people who do not think before they speak. In this day and age of social media (and new media), people say the very first thing that comes to their mind, and don’t think anything about the consequences. It looked like CM Punk was going to be another person, subject to this form of stupidity.

So I have been trying to find out how long punk would be suspended for, if he would be at the Money in the Bank pay per view, or what would happen to him. Was he fired early? I looked all over the internet, and at first all I found was people giving their opinions about the suspension. I have my own opinion, so I am not looking for anyone’s opinion. I just wanted some facts.

Then I read that Punk was in Australia with the WWE at live events this week. And not only was he there, but he was wrestling also. To top it all off, he also did another faux shoot (when they grab the mic and speak off the top of their head, most times they say something real) on the WWE.

This led me to believe that this was something that was staged by Punk and WWE, to make us all watch both of them to see what will happen next. They want us to watch RAW to see what Punk will say, and think “oh there is Punk, I thought he was suspended. I guess that means he will say some more stuff off the top of his head”.

I think this was a pretty good idea, and they picked the right guy, because Punk is great on the mic, but I think they are trying to pull the wool over our eyes, and I am not okay with it.



  1. i missed that show. for some reason i keep forgetting raw comes on monday. but im pretty sure that was staged because he was leaving or even was suspended they would have not given him mic time period. but i really cant see punk as a champion because he is too small. but i do like his style tho because he is different and i would say this cm punk is better than the ecw cm punk.

  2. I like this CM Punk. When a wrestler has reached their ceiling as a face, they should always go heel, and you are seeing how well it works for Punk now.
